A mother and daughter embracing

Partner With Cancer Support Community

Partnership Programs
To Fit Your Needs

Help Us Reach Even More Communities

We partner with communities, healthcare facilities, and companies to ensure that anyone impacted by cancer receives the support they want and need throughout their experience. 

Every new partnership brings an increased capacity to reach even more communities. Our diverse partnerships make it possible to connect more people across the United States, Canada, and beyond with needed cancer support programs and services. We have partnership opportunities for:

  • Healthcare providers
  • Employers
  • Community leaders
  • Business owners

We also offer corporate partnership opportunities for companies with missions and initiatives that align with our work.

CSC was wonderful to work with as we customized their digital distress screening tool so we could add some COVID-19 specific questions. Customization was quick and seamless. Having access to the raw data and being able to provide support to patients and caregivers in real time has been so helpful for patient experience and satisfaction metrics.

Allison Applebaum, Ph.D., Assistant Attending Psychologist and Director Caregivers Clinic Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Two paths diverging in the woods

Network Partners

Our community-based network partner locations include clubhouses, hospitals and other healthcare clinics, rural and university locations. As a network partner, you'll receive programs, education and training, support in the form of resources and grants, quality assurance, and development resources. As independent 501(c)3 organizations, each location pays a license fee as part of the CSC network. 



Learn More About Becoming a Network Partner

A man shaking hands with his physician

Healthcare Partners

Bring our evidence-based programs to your facilities to provide psychosocial support for anyone impacted by cancer. Our programs fulfill accreditation and quality standards and cover service gaps in psychosocial oncology and research. Full partnerships bolster staffing bandwidth, moderate burnout, and help streamline clinical workflows.



Learn More About Becoming a Healthcare Partner

white person sitting on desk


Receive cancer support, education, and navigation resources to help reduce healthcare premiums, increase employee retention and satisfaction, and support your employees from pre-cancer through survivorship. A customized program is built for each employer based on their needs.



Learn More About Becoming an Employee Partner

business woman

Corporate Sponsors

We believe that, working together, organizations across industries can make a positive impact in others' lives when visions and goals align. Opportunities vary from sponsoring CSC events to working with us to create unique opportunities to connect with communities and expand our reach.



Learn More About Becoming a Corporate Partner

A digital payment device featuring FreedomPay's Donation on Device display screen with Cancer Support Community's logo

Are You a Business Owner?

FreedomPay's Donation on Device is a powerful new way to connect with your shoppers, directly at the point of sale, with seamless digital giving to CSC.

Learn More Now

Value-Based Partnerships

Our partnerships help us connect communities to important cancer programs and services, including distress screening, survivorship and healthy lifestyle education, and resources that meet the health-related social needs of patients, survivors, and caregivers, with a focus on:

  • Support
  • Proactive navigation 
  • Actionable data  
  • Decreased healthcare utilization and cost
  • Health equity

We work closely with our partners to help them provide a full program of support and resources for anyone impacted by cancer in their community. Our programs include:


Cancer Transitions: Moving Beyond Treatment

Our pre-packaged cancer survivorship educational program (available in print and digital format) – Cancer Transitions: Moving Beyond Treatment addresses many of the physical, social, and practical issues survivors may face as they transition into post-treatment cancer survivorship. This program, which fully meets CoC Standard 4.8 requirements, is designed to improve quality of life by focusing on lifestyle skills and prosocial support. This program is available for patients in English and Spanish, for caregivers, and for young adult survivors.



Our digital mental health assessment and referral solution – MyCareReport is for scalable use in health centers with immediate triage and resource allocation based on local and national resources. The core objective is to support providers in busy or under-resourced community practices to quickly and efficiently identify patients who have clinically indicated levels of distress or specific unmet health-related social needs and connect them with support and financial services, tailored resources, educational materials, and referrals. Historically the platform has been used primarily in hospitals, health centers, and nonprofits in North America.

Checking IN

Our electronic mental health screening tool designed for clinical use in pediatric chronic illness – Checking IN can be integrated into any electronic medical record (EMR). Through the NIH's Tech Transfer program, the NCI and NIMH gave the Cancer Support Community (CSC) permission to commercialize Checking IN to increase its use in clinical settings and thereby improve medically ill children's psychosocial health.


When Cancer Comes to Work

Our comprehensive, interactive, and responsive program for employers – When Cancer Comes to Work is an employee benefit solution that enables employees and their immediate families to tap into our extensive, professionally facilitated support, education, and resources. 

Discover How Our Programs Enhance Cancer Care

A seated doctor discussing a file with a patient
Read November 7, 2023

Enhanced Mental Health Distress Screening Addresses Gap in Health Equity

Innovations and advancements in modern-day medicine continue to lessen disease burden and contribute to growth in life expectancy. However, despite these advancements, access to and benefits from these opportunities are not always equitable across populations. In the U.S. healthcare system, underserved populations are often left with fewer resources, less attentive care, and limited access to care.

We have first-hand access to the innovation and leaders in the field of psychosocial oncology and I believe this is a win-win for organizational goals and patient-centered oncology care.

Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers
The sun's bright rays stretch out over a hilly landscape

Partner Support Policy

To help ensure our support programs and services are available to those impacted by cancer, all at no charge, we often partner with corporations, foundations & community groups on the design, development & implementation of special events, programs, research studies & educational initiatives. Our corporate support policy guides & clearly defines our organizational relationships.