Ruby smiling behind a red fence with the sun shining

Welcome to our Virtual Home

We have created and curated resources to connect you to education, support, and action opportunities. Watch & listen to enhance your health and well-being from the comfort of your computer. 

Watch Our Virtual Support Tour

Make Yourself at Home

Come on in and see what virtual support we have to offer. Select a room where you feel comfortable and come back often to explore new programs.

A kitchen beyond a bright blue door


Visit our kitchen where you can explore healthy recipes and cooking videos specifically created to support the nutritional needs of people impacted by cancer.

Let's Go
Door to CSC Library


Step into our library where you can browse our free, award-winning educational resources.

Let's Go
CSC Mind Body Studio

Mind Body Studio

Our mind body studio offers yoga lessons, gentle exercises, and meditation videos specifically designed with the needs of people impacted by cancer in mind. 

Let's Go
CSC support room

Support Room

Our support room is a gathering place where you can immediately access free psychosocial resources and support. 

Let's Go
A door into an office of the CSC action center

Action Center

Step into our office where you can learn about opportunities to become engaged in our work, take action, and make your voice heard.

Let's Go
The study room


Designed with the needs of oncology professionals in mind, find resources to bolster your personal and workplace wellness, and opportunities for educational growth.

Let's Go

Cancer Support Helpline

We offer free navigation for cancer patients or their loved ones by phone and online. 888.793.9355

Online Communities & Connection

MyLifeLine helps patients and caregivers reduce stress, anxiety and isolation through private websites and discussion boards.

Distress Screening

An integrated cancer distress screening program can help identify concerns that need to be addressed early before they become a barrier to care.