Cancer Policy Institute
Table of Contents
The Cancer Support Community brings together patient advocates and policy experts to ensure that the voices of cancer patients and their loved ones play a central role in federal and state legislative, regulatory, and executive policy making.
About the Cancer Policy Institute
- Policy Priorities & Principles
- Aims & Positions
- Policy Comments
- Policy Education & Advocacy Resources
We are proud to serve our community through engagement in public policy and advocacy.
Our work is driven by policy pillars, which are centered around the values, needs, and preferences of individuals impacted by cancer.
We work with patients, patient advocacy organizations, medical associations, and other stakeholders to advance policies aimed at improving access to, affordability of, and quality of care across the cancer continuum.
Our educational resources are designed with advocates in mind and include advocacy tools, webinars, videos, and more.
The CPI works in partnership with patient advocates, the CSC network, and numerous allied health care and oncology organizations to work towards a future where the nearly 17 million cancer survivors across the country have access to comprehensive, high-quality, timely, and affordable medical, social, and emotional care.
Patients are at the center of the work of the CPI. We utilize leading-edge data from our Research and Training Institute (RTI) to support our policy positions with evidence that is based in the patient experience.
Whether we are on Capitol Hill or in state legislatures, in discussions with regulators, or working in policy coalitions, our focus is always on the patient and how we can work towards a system that is truly centered on the experiences, preferences, and values of cancer patients and their loved ones.

Key Projects
CSC Sign-On Letter: Incorporate Patient Perspectives Throughout Medicare Drug Price Negotiation (MDPNP) Implementation Process
As a result of our IRA Summit, CSC sent a group letter to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), including a roadmap of patient-centered principles to guide and inform engagement with CMS and other policymakers.
Principles for Patient-Centered Engagement When Implementing the Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program
Meaningful patient engagement is crucial for successful implementation of the Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program under the Inflation Reduction Act.
- Forum on Utilization Management
- Inflation Reduction Act Summit
- Externally-Led Patient Focused Drug Development Meeting
CSC hosted its 5th annual Forum on Utilization Management to bring awareness, education, and advocacy discussions around the effects of utilization management practices on patients and the healthcare system and how we can improve utilization management practices in 2024.
In September 2023, CSC convened patient and caregiver advocates, healthcare providers, policy experts, healthcare innovators, and thought leaders for a roundtable discussion about the Inflation Reduction Act.
Cancer Cachexia in Focus

Get Engaged in Advocacy
We provide updates on policy issues that could have an impact on the health and well-being of cancer patients and survivors.