Healing Light Meditation
Healing Light Meditation is a guided meditation that uses breath, visualization and intention to call upon healing within. As you follow along, truly believe in the practice and you shall receive.
Healing Light Meditation is a guided meditation that uses breath, visualization and intention to call upon healing within. As you follow along, truly believe in the practice and you shall receive.
Metta/Loving Kindness Meditation is a loving kindness that will bring you in deeper connection to yourself as it unites the entire Cancer Support Community. The use of mantra or repetition of words or phrases elicits a relaxation response within. Together we will choose love over fear and send that loving kindness to others.
During this class we will alternate gentle strengthening exercises with longer stretches to create the balance between feeling strength and ease. We will meet peaks of physical intensity with the breath and then recover by softening and slowing down to stretch. This is similar in life because sometimes we need and want to be strong. Other times it’s necessary to just be vulnerable, process emotions and have grace for your cancer journey. Let go of what doesn’t serve you and work within your current strength.
This is a slow flow yoga practice that connects breath to body through a combination of grounded postures and ones that require strength and balance. We begin with a complete breathing exercise that involves breathing into 3 parts of your torso (belly, ribs and chest) which cultivates a sense of peace and balance. Seated poses then help ground the body, and we will work toward a standing peak pose.
This yoga practice will bring awareness to your roots by flowing through grounded postures that foster flexibility. Becoming more fluid on the mat helps us become more flexible in life as well. We will begin with breathing mindfully and then transition into moving slowly to inspire connection of your breath to body. Using dynamic movement in sync with steady breath will create greater flexibility and sustainability as we flow through the poses. The focus is on opening the hips and shoulders (heart space). The practice ends with a body scan to relax your nervous system.