Two older black women smiling and laughing

Peer Clinical Trials Support Program

Connecting Black or African American cancer patients with experienced clinical trial participants.

Get Started

We Match You with a Black or African American Peer to Receive One-on-One Support

This program includes:

  • 2 free confidential phone calls with a Black or African American peer specialist who has participated in a cancer clinical trial.
  • Conversations that are tailored to your needs.
  • Space to talk openly about your questions and concerns.
  • Opportunity to hear about your peer specialist’s experience with clinical trials.
  • Resources and support that are customized to you.

Peer specialists will not provide medical advice or enroll you in a clinical trial. 

Man and woman looking at a laptop together on the couch

New Docuseries: Justified Medical Mistrust

CSC’s docuseries “Justified Medical Mistrust: Acknowledging the Past to Change the Future” addresses myths, truths, and concerns that Black and African American patients and their caregivers often experience when considering clinical trials as part of their care plan. 

Watch Now

The fact that she was also Black was important to me.  She gave me examples of clinical trials and explained what worked for her.

– Peer Clinical Trials Support Program Participant
Daisies grow in a field of green grass
two women using a laptop

You Qualify If You…

  • Identify as Black or African American 
  • Have a cancer diagnosis or are at higher risk of a cancer diagnosis due to family history 
  • Are 18 years of age or older 
  • Speak English

How Do I Request A Peer Specialist?

Submit an interest form

The fastest way to join ― it only takes 2 minutes.

Get Started

Give us a call

We’re available Mon-Fri, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. ET. Leave us a message and we’ll get back to you within 2 business days.


What Happens After I Apply?


We contact you

We have a quick chat to make sure you qualify, and we understand your needs.


We match you

We find the right peer for you.


You have a peer

Your peer specialist reaches out to you by phone to connect.

My peer specialist helped me know where to look and how to ask questions about clinical trials. They helped me advocate for myself.

— Peer Clinical Trials Support Program Participant
two women's hands embracing

Discover More Insights in Our Q&A With a Program Participant

Read Our Blog

Learn More About the Program

Find out more about the who, the what, and the why, of this program.

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Become a Peer Specialist

Learn how your own experience in a clinical trial can help support a peer.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Peer Specialist?A Peer Specialist is someone like you.  They’ve asked the same questions and faced similar experiences.  They may not have all the answers, but they’re here to listen and provide insights that only someone who’s been through it can provide. Our Peer Specialists are all Black and African American cancer patients or survivors who’ve participated in a cancer clinical trial.  They are trained to offer you one-on-one confidential support.
What kind of Peer Specialist will I be matched with?We work hard to match you with the right person. Whenever possible we consider availability, age, cancer diagnosis, and the type of clinical trial (if any) you may be interested in. 
What kind of things will we talk about?It’s up to you. You can decide what to ask or discuss about clinical trials with your Peer Specialist. They are there to listen and share their story if you’d like to hear it. You can expect to have a conversation and receive resources that are personalized to you.
What happens after I’m matched?Your Peer Specialist will call you on the phone number you provided. You decide what to talk about. After your first call, you and your Peer Specialist will schedule a second call at a date and time that works for you.
What if I still have questions after I’ve finished this program?Don’t worry! If you still have questions or would like more support after you’ve completed this program, our staff will work with you to get connected to the right help. Our Cancer Support Helpline is staffed with trained professionals to assist you and our Helpline’s Clinical Trials Specialist offers personal, on-going consultations for more in-depth clinical trials support. We also have over 190 CSC Centers and Gilda’s Club across the country that can provide you with local, in-person help.
I want to learn about clinical trials but don’t qualify for this program.If you don’t qualify for this program, there are many other ways to get support at CSC. We encourage you to contact our Cancer Support Helpline where our navigators can assist you with any of your questions or concerns. You can also ask to set up a consultation with the Helpline’s Clinical Trials Specialist. 

Call the Helpline at 888-793-9355 or connect with a navigator via our web chat service.

This program is part of a research project by the Cancer Support Community. It is designed to determine the effectiveness of a peer support program in improving knowledge, favorable perception, and enrollment in clinical trials among Black or African American cancer patients. This project was approved and is being monitored by WCG IRB. 

Senior Man Sitting On Sofa At Home Suffering From Depression

Other Questions?

Contact Kara Downey, CSC’s Director of Clinical Services, to learn more about our Peer Clinical Trials Support Program.

We’re available Mon-Fri, 9 a.m. -5 p.m. ET. Leave us a message and we’ll get back to you within 2 business days: 888-292-5162.

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