Health Equity Advisory Board and Panel Members

CSC’s Center for Health Equity board members provide expertise on the development and implementation of a nonprofit care model that’s inclusive of communities of color and other diverse communities whose members are disproportionately impacted by cancer. To achieve equity in oncology care service delivery, research clearly demonstrates the need for collaboration among stakeholders, including community members, leaders, advocates, and experts in the fields of health care, health equity, and oncology.

Health Equity Advisory Board

Philip Alberti

Philip Alberti

Founder, Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Center for Health Justice Director of Research

Karissa Rates

Karissa Rates

Manager for Diversity and Health Equity, CSC Central Indiana

Patient, Survivor, Caregiver Health Equity Panel

CSC’s Health Equity Panel works to meaningfully incorporate the voices and experiences of people who have historically lacked equitable access to quality cancer care into cancer support programs and services.

Panel members have 2 main responsibilities:

  1. Advisors: Upon request, panel members will provide feedback on CSC projects and initiatives in development. There may also be opportunities to contribute to initiatives with select partners of CSC. Members will be asked to tap into their personal, lived experiences to provide feedback, advice, and reactions to projects before they launch. This provides an opportunity for collaboration, so that the voices of cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers from underrepresented communities are factored into projects at the earliest stages of planning. Since projects are aimed at decreasing barriers to quality cancer care, we welcome the unique viewpoints of people that our programs and initiatives are meant to serve.
  2. Advocates: Members will also be asked if they would like to serve as advocates on key issues that are important to cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers. Upon request, members will be invited to contribute to grassroots policy and advocacy initiatives, including participating in advocacy days, contacting legislators in support of or opposition to an issue, storytelling, and responding to “calls to action” from CSC.