Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer: What Helps You Cope?
Share your story to let other AYAs know they are not alone.
Are you looking for ways to share encouragement or insights you've learned with other adolescent and young adult cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers? Would you like to raise awareness about concerns in the AYA community? There are so many ways your story can make a positive difference for other AYAs.
Now’s your chance to tell your unique story and share how cancer has impacted you. (Must be 18 or older to participate.)
You can be more than be sick. You’re here. You’re worthy. Keep the vision of who you want to be alive.
OliviaDiagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia
I learned about the discrepancies in treatments for women, minorities, and adolescents and young adults. . . . I knew I had no other option than to speak up and out about them.
LizDiagnosed with bladder cancer
Cancer is not my identity; it is just a different thing I had to deal with that not many other people my age even had to think about.
KristenDiagnosed with brain cancer
Before You Get Started
Review Our Frequently Asked Questions
How can my story make a difference?
Everyone impacted by cancer has a unique story to share. Perhaps cancer has impacted you physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, or financially. Whether you are a patient or a survivor, a caregiver or a loved one, a medical professional or someone else impacted by cancer, sharing your story can provide hope, inspiration, and encouragement to others going through similar experiences. Your story can even inspire people to take action to help create better systems and policies for people impacted by cancer.
Where will my story be shared?
Most stories we receive are shared in our blogs. Some stories are also shared as inspirational quotes on our webpages. In addition, our blog stories are promoted on CSC’s social media networks and in emails to CSC subscribers. Stories are edited for length, clarity, spelling, and grammar, and not all stories are shared in their original full-length submission. After you click the Tell Your Story button below, you'll see an option to enter your email address. Feel free to do so if you'd like to provide a way for us to contact you.
When will my story be shared?
Story submissions are selected as opportunities arise throughout the year. Often, we base the publication of a specific story on topics we are promoting and sharing with our community. Due to the number of submissions we receive and the topics we are generally addressing, it may take weeks to months before your story can be published.
Can you suggest some ideas to help me tell my story?
After you click the button Tell Your Story (located at the bottom of this page), you’ll see some optional questions in our story form to use as prompts. There’s also an open-question field where you can share anything about your cancer experience.
Here are some other ideas:
What are/were some of your biggest concerns as a young adult navigating cancer and treatment, and what helps/helped you manage these concerns? These concerns may be related to:
dating & relationships
financial concerns
social and emotional well-being
work and cancer (or finding work after treatment ends)
fertility concerns
other worries
What advice would you give to people who aren’t sure what to say or how to support their friend or loved one after a cancer diagnosis?
What are some strategies or resources that help/helped you reduce feelings like loneliness, sadness, and anxiety?
If you experienced side effects from cancer treatment, what were strategies that helped you cope with and manage them?
What are some strategies or resources that help/helped increase feelings of empowerment?
What are 5 things you’ve learned from your cancer experience that could help other young patients and survivors?
From your experience and perspective, what are some areas in AYA cancer care (including survivorship) that you feel need improvement/attention?
What were/are some important sources of inspiration throughout your cancer experience? (This could be a mantra, a poem, a friend, a beloved pet, hobbies, nutrition or wellness strategies, or other inspirations.)
Will my story be anonymous?
We use storytellers’ first names to protect their privacy (exceptions include published writers and other public figures who wish to be known for their work). If privacy is a concern for you, you can also remove other identifying details of your story, such as location information, treatment facility, etc. Please also consider the privacy of anyone you mention in your story.
Can I submit photos?
Yes! If you’d like to submit a photo with your story, consider selecting a photo that helps tell an aspect of your story. Examples include a photo showing you doing a hobby that has helped bring you peace, such as playing the piano or gardening, or a picture of something that has given you strength, hope, or inspiration during your experience. If you are taking a photo specifically for your story submission, make sure you have sufficient lighting. Photos taken in landscape orientation work best.
I'm ready. Where do I start?
Right here. Please acknowledge your consent below: