Learning & Training Program
Promoting excellence in psychosocial care through education, training, and connection
Achieve Your Educational Goals
Explore our videos, podcasts, and articles covering a wide range of topics to help you provide best-in-class care for people impacted by cancer. Our collection includes free and low-cost CE-accredited courses designed to support your professional growth and self-care as a psychosocial oncology professional. Complete our CE activities at your own pace and convenience. Please return often as we introduce new resources that will help you learn, grow, and be inspired.
Earn Continuing Education Credits
Each course featured in this section is good for 1.0 CE credit and is designed for nurses, social workers, psychologists, and other healthcare professionals. These courses are part of our video series "What's in Your First Aid Kit? Resources and Tools to Help You Survive and Thrive." There is no fee to participate in these CE activities.
Behind the Mask: Moral Distress and Compassionate Care
with Dr. Lara Traeger
What do you do as a clinician when the right choice is different than what you are being asked or required to do – or different than what you see going on around you? This activity focuses on understanding moral distress and its associated challenges and how to identify relevant strategies for sustaining personal and systemic growth.
Beyond Band-Aids: Growing Mighty as a Team
with Dr. Liz Muenks
Burnout and compassion fatigue are all to common in the oncology field. This activity will focus on the protective factors and barriers to professional well-being as well as strategies to build resilience as individuals and teams.
Help! My Cape is WAY too Tight: Navigating the Complexity of LGBTQ+ Identities in Helping Professions
with Dr. Sarah Burgamy
When you’re a healthcare “superhero,” how do you make sure to loosen that cape in times of great stress? This activity will explore the unique challenges of navigating the healthcare landscape as a member of the LGBTQ+ community.
Lean Through: Staying Resilient and Engaged as Leaders of the Healthcare Workforce
with Dr. Timothy Morrison
Leaders of caregivers carry the pressures of keeping their teams healthy, engaged, and fulfilled. This activity will focus on self-care tips for leaders and work-life integration to help us stay excited and do more than just “get through it."
Racial Caucuses and Affinity Groups: Creating Space where Minoritized Individuals and White Co-Workers can Work Intentionally to Cultivate Psychological Safety at Work
with Dr. Athena Baca-Chieza
This activity will provide an opportunity to understand how identity dynamics operate in specific institutional settings, and devise strategies to overcome the barriers and oppression that are created by them.
Cachexia: A Guide for Providers
Access our free guide and patient engagement tool, designed to help healthcare providers facilitate discussions with patients about cancer cachexia.
POPS 2024
CSC’s third annual Psychosocial Oncology Professionals Symposium (POPS) took place Oct. 9-10, 2024. This virtual event was open to all oncology professionals, including community oncologists, nurses, nurse practitioners, advanced practice practitioners, physicians, physician assistants, navigators, psychologists, counselors, and social workers.
Continuing education credits were offered for all live sessions, and attendees were invited to explore the event’s networking features and exhibit hall.
POPS registration gave participants access to:
- A large professional network – over 200 registrants joined us at this event
- 8 virtual sessions, held over 2 days, on critical topics in psycho-oncology care
- 1 credit hour of continuing medical education (CME)/continuing education (CE) per session attended
POPS aims to provide sessions with topics focused on psychosocial care and the impacts of cancer. Past topics included preparing patients for the end of life, increasing access to psycho-oncology care, and the cancer caregiver burden.
Explore Other Resources
View educational videos on diverse topics, from treatment advances to staying resilient and engaged.
Hear compelling interviews with medical experts, cancer patients, and caregivers in our award-winning podcasts.
Find informative articles on topics ranging from managing costs of care to survivorship care planning.
Identify Compassion Fatigue
Support for Professionals
Health professionals, and more specifically oncology professionals, often experience burnout and compassion fatigue. Ruby, your virtual community navigator, will help professionals understand the importance of identifying the early warning signs of…
Bolster Your Personal & Workplace Wellness
Loss and Grief: Personal Stories of Doctors and Other Healthcare Professionals
There’s Nothing Wrong with Your Kit: It’s a System, Not a Self-Care Problem
GPS for the Soul: Moving Toward Your Values
The Best Surge Protector: Self-Compassion
Keeping Your Battery Charged: Fortitude for the Wore Out
Preparing for the Next Storm: Resourcing Your Kit
Expand Your Knowledge
What You Need to Know About Bispecific Antibody Immunotherapy
Immunotherapy is one of the newest treatments in the fight against cancer. Bispecific antibody immunotherapy adds a new dimension that may bring even more hope to cancer patients. Join the Cancer Support Community’s Senior Director of Education,…
Loss and Grief Webinar
Sharing of loss is often hidden and stigmatized, and institutional infrastructure to support colleagues experiencing loss is often inadequate. Hear honest and raw first-person narratives of life-altering losses from internationally-renowned healthcare professionals.
Cancer Caregiver Webinar Series
Being a caregiver can be rewarding, exhausting, uplifting, and frustrating — sometimes all on the same day. Knowing how to navigate the experience, without losing sight of your own well-being, is important.
Caregiving 101: An Introduction to Supporting Someone With Cancer
With Dr. Erin Kent.
This session will cover an introduction to caregiving to someone with cancer. We will discuss what it means to have a friend or family member diagnosed with cancer and undergoing treatment. We will give an overview of what research tells us about the impact of cancer on caregivers, ways that caregivers can support their care recipient, and getting support as a caregiver.
Caregivers Need Care, Too: Ways to Promote Well-being While Taking Care of a Loved One with Cancer
With Dr. Allison Applebaum.
The Role of Family Caregivers as Patient Advocates Engaging with Healthcare Teams
With Dr. Tamryn Gray.
Cancer Caregiving: Resources and Rights at Work
With Dr. Hoda Badr.
Caregiving for a family member or close friend with cancer can be particularly demanding for employed individuals who are juggling work responsibilities while providing care. This talk will describe the financial, work, and mental health impacts of cancer on employed caregivers, their rights in the workplace, and the resources that are currently available to support them.
Episodes From Our Award-Winning Podcasts
Young and Diagnosed: Encountering the Unexpected
Young and Diagnosed: Recalculating When Life Takes a Detour
Running on Empty: Taking on Doctor Burnout
Educational Articles & Research Findings
Cachexia: A Guide for Providers and Advocacy Organizations
A guide to help facilitate discussions about cachexia with patients and caregivers.
Precision Medicine in Plain Language
Access our patient-friendly lexicon to communicate about precision medicine in a clear and understandable way.
Get In Touch
Do you have questions or feedback about our Learning & Training Program? Please complete this form.